"the boy" project
In 2018 I decided that I wanted to learn 3d art. I was 14 at the time. The most approachable way to do so was learning Blender in that time. Although, approachable might be an overstatement. I started out using Blender version 1.8. Tat version was… let’s say… Not really user friendly. But I really wanted to learn is, so I did.
This image was one of the first renders I ever made. It’s quite nostalgic to look back at it. Especially because I didn’t use any tutorial. I just winged it. Every aspect of the scene was self made and self taught.
I really liked making this scene. Especially creating a little story in my mind. So, I made the story bigger. A story about a boy, coming from nothing, trying to find meaning to his life by exploring other places. In hindsight, the story was about myself. A boy who was exploring himself by going to new places.
To tell the story, I made a series of photo’s. Every few months I made a new scene. And as you might see, my skill level increased.
VR project
When I went to filmschool, we had the assignment yo make a virtual reality project. And since i already had concept art of this story, I made a vr experience about the boy.
The Boy VR is a 8 minute experience about coming of age. But for everyone the story is about something else. What is the story to you? Download the project and experience it for yourself.